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pompelmus sweet DEMO.otf
Nota dell'autore
Get the full version of the Pompelmus font here: http://www.myfonts.com/fonts/pizzadude/pompelmus/
The Pompelmus font is a unique and visually striking typeface designed by Pizzadude. This font features a distinctive rounded, playful style that adds a fun and whimsical touch to any design project.
The Pompelmus font is available in a variety of weights, including Regular, Bold, and Italic, allowing users to create a range of typographic effects. The font's clean lines and smooth curves make it an excellent choice for headings, logos, and other display-oriented applications.
In addition to its aesthetic appeal, the Pompelmus font is also highly versatile. It can be used in a wide range of contexts, from children's storybooks to modern web designs, seamlessly integrating with a variety of visual styles.
Overall, the Pompelmus font is a captivating and well-crafted typeface that can elevate the look and feel of any project. Whether you're a designer, a publisher, or simply someone who appreciates beautiful typography, the Pompelmus font is definitely worth exploring.
The Pompelmus font is a unique and visually striking typeface designed by Pizzadude. This font features a distinctive rounded, playful style that adds a fun and whimsical touch to any design project.
The Pompelmus font is available in a variety of weights, including Regular, Bold, and Italic, allowing users to create a range of typographic effects. The font's clean lines and smooth curves make it an excellent choice for headings, logos, and other display-oriented applications.
In addition to its aesthetic appeal, the Pompelmus font is also highly versatile. It can be used in a wide range of contexts, from children's storybooks to modern web designs, seamlessly integrating with a variety of visual styles.
Overall, the Pompelmus font is a captivating and well-crafted typeface that can elevate the look and feel of any project. Whether you're a designer, a publisher, or simply someone who appreciates beautiful typography, the Pompelmus font is definitely worth exploring.
Mappa caratteri
Si prega di utilizzare il menu a tendina per visualizzare le mappe di caratteri diversi contenuti in questo tipo di font.
Informazioni di base caratteri
Dichiarazione di Copyright
Copyright (c) 2017 by Jakob Fischer / pizzadude.dk. All rights reserved.
Font famiglia
Pompelmus Sweet DEMO
Font sottofamiglia
Sottofamiglia unico di identificazione
JakobFischer/pizzadude.dk: Pompelmus Sweet DEMO: 2017
Nome completo del font
Nome tabella versione
Postscript nome del font
Marchi di fabbrica
Pompelmus Sweet DEMO is a trademark of Jakob Fischer / pizzadude.dk.
Copyright (c) 2017 by Jakob Fischer / pizzadude.dk. All rights reserved.
Informazioni estese caratteri
Piattaforme supportate
UnicodeUnicode 2.0 e poi semantica, unicode BMP solo
MicrosoftUnicode BMP solo
Dettagli carattere
Contatore glifi229
Unità per em1000
Incorporare i dirittiIncorporamento per anteprima di stmapa consentito
Classe famigliaManoscritto (scritto)
AltezzaExtra condensato
Mac styleGrassetto
DirezioneSolo fortemente sinistra a destra glifi + contiene neutrali
Disegno naturaRegolari