GT Proelium Sharp
OpenTypeUso personale
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- Euro
Nota dell'autore
GT Proelium Sharp font is a strong and modern sans serif with a bold, condensed style by GigaType. It presents an impactful contemporary aesthetic which makes it ideal for display purposes. Whether used as the main text or header text, its assertive design brings a powerful impression to any project.
This free sans serif font is well-suited for posters, banners, packaging designs, logos, movie titles, books, magazines covers, advertisements, website headers, social media graphics design projects. Build your brand campaign’s visual hierarchy and strengthen its importance with such a nice unique starter that leaves room for creativity and modifications readily available for keen artistic eye.
Proelium has a FFEULA (License Agreement).
If you're interested in obtaining a license for your project, please check my DeviantArt page (the license is in the bio):
Alternatively, feel free to contact me via email if you have any questions or uncertainties.
This free sans serif font is well-suited for posters, banners, packaging designs, logos, movie titles, books, magazines covers, advertisements, website headers, social media graphics design projects. Build your brand campaign’s visual hierarchy and strengthen its importance with such a nice unique starter that leaves room for creativity and modifications readily available for keen artistic eye.
Proelium has a FFEULA (License Agreement).
If you're interested in obtaining a license for your project, please check my DeviantArt page (the license is in the bio):
Alternatively, feel free to contact me via email if you have any questions or uncertainties.
Mappa caratteri
Si prega di utilizzare il menu a tendina per visualizzare le mappe di caratteri diversi contenuti in questo tipo di font.
Informazioni di base caratteri
Font famiglia
GT Proelium Sharp
Font sottofamiglia
Sottofamiglia unico di identificazione
GigaType: GT Proelium Sharp: 2024
Nome completo del font
GT Proelium Sharp
Nome tabella versione
Version 1.001
Postscript nome del font
Pienamente compatibile
Informazioni estese caratteri
Piattaforme supportate
UnicodeUnicode 2.0 e poi semantica, unicode BMP solo
MicrosoftUnicode BMP solo
Dettagli carattere
Contatore glifi332
Unità per em2048
Incorporare i dirittiIncorporamento per l'installazione permanente
Classe famigliaSenza terminazioni
PesoMezzo grassetto
AltezzaExtra condensato
Mac styleCorsivo
DirezioneSolo fortemente sinistra a destra glifi + contiene neutrali
Disegno naturaRegolari
Pack completo contiene 4 font di seguito elencati:
GT Proelium Sharp Italic
OpenTypeUso personale
GT Proelium Italic
OpenTypeUso personale
GT Proelium
OpenTypeUso personale