Yanone Kaffeesatz Bold

Yanone Kaffeesatz famiglia consistente in 4 caratteri
Yanone Kaffeesatz Bold YanoneWeb site OpenTypeUso personaleAggiornati
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Nota dell'autore

Yanone Kaffeesatz Bold is a striking, sans-serif font that commands attention. Its condensed nature and bold strokes exude a sense of strength and purpose, making it an excellent choice for bold headings, branding, and eye-catching designs. The geometric forms and clean lines lend a modern, minimalist aesthetic, while the slightly rounded terminals soften the overall appearance, creating a harmonious balance.

Yanone Kaffeesatz Bold's versatility allows it to seamlessly integrate into a wide range of design applications, from web interfaces to print materials, making it a versatile and impactful typographic tool.

Mappa caratteri

Si prega di utilizzare il menu a tendina per visualizzare le mappe di caratteri diversi contenuti in questo tipo di font.
Latino di base - Mappa caratteri

Informazioni di base caratteri

Dichiarazione di Copyright
Copyright (c) 2010, Yanone (http://yanone.de/typedesign/). All rights reserved.
This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1.
This license is available with a FAQ at: http://scripts.sil.org/OFL
Font famiglia
Yanone Kaffeesatz Bold
Font sottofamiglia
Sottofamiglia unico di identificazione
YN: YanoneKaffeesatz-Bold: 2010
Nome completo del font
Yanone Kaffeesatz Bold
Nome tabella versione
Version 1.002
Postscript nome del font
Marchi di fabbrica
Yanone Kaffeesatz is a trademark of Yanone
Yanone Kaffeesatz was first published in 2004 and is Yanone's first ever finished typeface. Its Bold is reminiscent of 1920s coffee house typography, while the rather thin fonts bridge the gap to present times. Lacking self confidence and knowledge about the type scene Yanone decided to publish the family for free under a Creative Commons License. A decision that should turn out one of the best he ever made. It has been downloaded over 100,000 times to date from this website alone, and you can witness Kaffeesatz use on German fresh-water gyms, Dubai mall promos and New Zealand McDonald's ads. And of course on coffee and foodstuff packaging and cafe design around the globe. In 2009 he reworked much of the typeface and it got published in FontShop's FontFont Library under the new name FF Kava. You can read more about it in an extensive article by Yves Peters on the FontFeed.

Informazioni estese caratteri

Piattaforme supportate

UnicodeUnicode 2.0 e poi semantica, unicode BMP solo
MicrosoftUnicode BMP solo

Dettagli carattere

Contatore glifi251
Unità per em1000
Incorporare i dirittiIncorporamento per l'installazione permanente
Classe famigliaSenza terminazioni
PesoMezzo grassetto
AltezzaExtra condensato
Mac styleGrassetto
DirezioneSolo fortemente sinistra a destra glifi + contiene neutrali
Disegno naturaRegolari
Pack completo contiene 4 font di seguito elencati:
Yanone Kaffeesatz Thin YanoneWeb site OpenTypeUso personaleAggiornati
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  • Euro
Yanone Kaffeesatz Light YanoneWeb site OpenTypeUso personaleAggiornati
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Yanone Kaffeesatz Regular YanoneWeb site OpenTypeUso personaleAggiornati
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