Pitch Display

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Pitch Display Regular Demo.ttf
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Nota dell'autore

Pitch Display is a striking slab serif font, designed by the talented Kate Wiliwinska. Its condensed width lends a bold, unapologetic presence, making it an ideal choice for attention-grabbing headlines, titling, and branding applications. The robust, geometric letterforms convey a sense of strength and stability, while the subtle details, such as the slightly rounded corners, soften the overall aesthetic, creating a compelling balance of modern and classic sensibilities.

This font's versatility shines through its ability to command attention in a variety of design contexts, from editorial layouts and packaging to signage and digital interfaces. Its clean, legible forms ensure optimal readability, making Pitch Display a versatile tool for designers seeking to create impactful, memorable typographic compositions.

The text you provided appears to be a URL, which does not contain any written content that can be enhanced. As per the instructions, I can only work with a text-based input, not a web address.

If you have the actual text you would like me to enhance, please provide it, and I will be happy to apply the rules you outlined to improve the grammatical accuracy, readability, and overall appeal of the content while retaining all the essential information.

Mappa caratteri

Si prega di utilizzare il menu a tendina per visualizzare le mappe di caratteri diversi contenuti in questo tipo di font.
Latino di base - Mappa caratteri

Informazioni di base caratteri

Dichiarazione di Copyright
Copyright (c) 2015 by Kate Wiliwinska. All rights reserved.
Font famiglia
Pitch Display
Font sottofamiglia
Sottofamiglia unico di identificazione
KateWiliwinska: Pitch Display: 2015
Nome completo del font
Pitch Display
Nome tabella versione
Postscript nome del font
Marchi di fabbrica
Pitch Display is a trademark of Kate Wiliwinska.
Kate Wiliwinska
Copyright (c) 2015 by Kate Wiliwinska. All rights reserved.

Informazioni estese caratteri

Piattaforme supportate

UnicodeUnicode 2.0 e poi semantica, unicode BMP solo
MicrosoftUnicode BMP solo

Dettagli carattere

Contatore glifi174
Unità per em1000
Incorporare i dirittiIncorporamento per anteprima di stmapa consentito
Classe famigliaTerminazioni Slab
PesoMezzo grassetto
AltezzaExtra condensato
Mac styleGrassetto
DirezioneSolo fortemente sinistra a destra glifi + contiene neutrali
Disegno naturaRegolari