Outcast M54

Outcast M54 M54Mohammed Rahman TrueTypeUso personale
Outcast M54.ttf
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Nota dell'autore

Just a font I ended up with after messing around with my Superstar M54 font that I created. I think it would be cool for signature art. The upper and lower case letters are different so switch between the two for a more hand drawn feel. The left and right curly brackets hold alternate glyphs for numbers '2' and '5'.

If you find this font useful then please consider a donation to justme54s[at]yahoo.co.uk, any amount will be greatly appreciated. A donation isn't necessary to use this font for personal or non-commercial use. I'll be interested to know how people use it so a picture or artwork sent to justme54s[at]yahoo.co.uk would be nice.

If you wish to use this font commercially a donation or license is required, please email for further information. Alternatively, for one time commercial use just send details of usage along with your donation so that a return email can be sent as proof of rights to commercial usage.

Usage Agreement

You may share the font electronically but the Zip file should remain intact with the font alongside all other files as packaged. You may not sell this font, but are allowed to distribute it freely i.e. in magazines.
Outcast M54 Carattere

Mappa caratteri

Si prega di utilizzare il menu a tendina per visualizzare le mappe di caratteri diversi contenuti in questo tipo di font.
Latino di base - Mappa caratteri

Informazioni di base caratteri

Dichiarazione di Copyright
© 2009 Mohammed Rahman
Font famiglia
Outcast M54
Font sottofamiglia
Sottofamiglia unico di identificazione
Outcast M54:Version 1.00304
Nome completo del font
Outcast M54
Nome tabella versione
Version 1.00304 February 26, 2010, initial release
Postscript nome del font
M54 (justme54s)
Mohammed Rahman

Informazioni estese caratteri

Piattaforme supportate

MicrosoftUnicode BMP solo
UnicodeUnicode 2.0 e poi semantica, unicode BMP solo

Dettagli carattere

Contatore glifi66
Unità per em2048
Incorporare i dirittiIncorporamento per l'editing consentito
Classe famigliaTerminazioni libere
Mac styleGrassetto
DirezioneSolo fortemente sinistra a destra glifi
Disegno naturaDelineato