Osgood Slab Light Blur

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Nota dell'autore

Osgood Slab is a bold and refined display font that exudes a timeless elegance. Characterized by its striking slab-serif design and fluid, blurred strokes, this font radiates a sense of sophistication and understated luxury.

Its light weight lends it an airy, effortless quality, making it an excellent choice for headlines, editorial content, and high-end branding. Osgood Slab's versatility allows it to seamlessly transition between formal and modern applications, from luxurious magazine covers to cutting-edge web designs.

Its unique visual identity and strong personality make it a standout choice for designers seeking to elevate their projects with a font that commands attention.

Free for personal use version of Osgood Slab font is available in various formats, including OTF, TTF, WOFF, WOFF2, EOT, and SVG.

For commercial use, a minimal payment of $2 is required on digitaltipjar.com/quzma

As a special offer, the full version of Osgood Slab can be purchased at a 50% discount through the following link: https://quzma.co/shop/pinon/

Additionally, you can explore the designer's other fonts on the following platforms:
- https://f2u.page.link/CMx2

Mappa caratteri

Si prega di utilizzare il menu a tendina per visualizzare le mappe di caratteri diversi contenuti in questo tipo di font.
Latino di base - Mappa caratteri

Informazioni di base caratteri

Dichiarazione di Copyright
Osgood Slab (c) Darko Kuzmanović. 2016. All Rights Reserved
Font famiglia
Osgood Slab Blur
Font sottofamiglia
Sottofamiglia unico di identificazione
Osgood Slab Light Blur:Version 1.00
Nome completo del font
Osgood Slab Light Blur
Nome tabella versione
Version 1.00 May 11, 2016, initial release
Postscript nome del font
Osgood Slab - handwritten slab font

Informazioni estese caratteri

Piattaforme supportate

UnicodeUnicode 2.0 e poi semantica, unicode BMP solo
MicrosoftUnicode BMP solo

Dettagli carattere

Contatore glifi389
Unità per em1000
Incorporare i dirittiIncorporamento per l'installazione permanente
Classe famigliaNessuna classificazione
PesoMolto leggero
Mac styleGrassetto
DirezioneSolo fortemente sinistra a destra glifi + contiene neutrali
Disegno naturaRegolari