EDB Indians

Mappa caratteri

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Latino di base - Mappa caratteri

Informazioni di base caratteri

Dichiarazione di Copyright
Freeware by UnAuthorized Type and Edward Buri
Font famiglia
EDB Indians
Font sottofamiglia
Sottofamiglia unico di identificazione
Macromedia Fontographer 4.1 EDB Indians
Nome completo del font
EDB Indians
Nome tabella versione
Version 1.00 12/15/97
Postscript nome del font
Marchi di fabbrica
Collaboration between Ben McGehee of UnAuthorized Type and Edward Buri.
This version includes upper and lowercase letters and most punctuation. I also included some UA Type dingbats (just to amuse myself, and so you don't get those annoying boxes when you type something that isn't in the font).

This is about as close to a Thanksgiving font as you come. Problem is, the release date was about two weeks for Thanksgiving of 1997. Maybe it will be used for subsequent years.

Edward Buri sent me an e-mail saying he had doodled some letters, and could I make them into an alphabet? He sent me lots of pages of ideas, and I told him that this one would work out great, if he could complete it. He did, and I fonted it. The upper-case outline version is what he gave to me. I just did those filled-in lowercase versions because I wanted to. I didn't realize when I started that it would double the completion time. Yeah.

Informazioni estese caratteri

Piattaforme supportate

MicrosoftUnicode BMP solo
UnicodeUnicode 1.0 semantica

Dettagli carattere

Contatore glifi105
Unità per em1000
Incorporare i dirittiIncorporamento limitato (non consentito)
Classe famigliaNessuna classificazione
PesoMezzo grassetto
Tipo altezzaNormale
Mac styleGrassetto
DirezioneSolo fortemente sinistra a destra glifi + contiene neutrali
Disegno naturaDelineato
Peso colpoLibro, testo, regolare, etc.
Set simboliWindows 3.1 ANSI